Priority One: Our Commitment to Job Site Safety in Every Remodeling Project

Here at MainStreet Design Build, our proven dedication to personal care, accountability, timeless design, and exacting attention to detail not only result in a truly luxurious end-to-end remodeling experience, but one that’s safe for you and your family. Our designers, carpenters, and skilled tradesmen make safety their top priority, so rest assured knowing that every precaution is taken before any work is begun. Our commitment to your security is a promise made and kept from start to finish.

Keep Your Kids Safe

Safe Space for KidsChildren can have trouble listening, so warning them about the dangers of a construction site usually falls on deaf ears. That problem is compounded by most kids treating a home renovation project like a playground, so do rather than tell for child safety. Before remodeling even starts, set up alternative spaces where they can play without risk, and keep younger children supervised at all times. MainStreet takes every precaution, but keeping them safe is a team effort.

Ask Your Homeowners’ Insurance Company

Before any work begins, contact your insurance agent to discuss any potential changes to your policy, or information they need, with regard to your remodel, including:

  • If the project will increase the square footage of your home, make sure that your policy’s dwelling limits cover the cost of replacing your entire home if it’s damaged or destroyed.
  • If you need to temporarily remove anything from your home during construction, make sure these items are covered, and provide the address where they will be until returned.
  • If you need to temporarily remove yourself from your home during construction, find out if the insurance covers your home and its contents while you’re away. 
  • If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact MainStreet’s insurance agent, Sam Ferrari of S.J. Ferrari Insurance Agency, at (248) 594-0850 to answer your questions. 

Cautious Around Medical Conditions

Job Site ProtectionConstruction sites are, by their nature, noisy, dusty, and disruptive places. All of us at MainStreet do our best to minimize these realities, including installing additional fans and HEPA filters for dust and chemical protection. 

Consider also wearing protective clothing, a HEPA mask or respirator and goggles for additional protection against dust, fumes, and particles if you are sensitive or have any breathing conditions. Installing your own fans to help clear the air can also be helpful, weather permitting. 

Preventing Dust is a Must

Dust is problematic throughout construction, especially if drywall sanding or demolition takes place. Removing walls, dismantling cabinets, and removing tile are the worst culprits. MainStreet minimizes dust in many ways, including floor coverings, temporary dust walls and doors, HVAC venting, power tools with dust extractors, and HEPA Filtration 360. Our workers are instructed to clean up after every shift, and perform dust-intensive work in separate spaces to minimize your exposure.

Bound the Sounds

Noise is as inevitable and potentially as annoying as dust, thanks to the powerful tools and heavy equipment often used to demolish and dismantle the old to bring in the new. The loud noise from sawing wood, cutting concrete or tile, and sanding can be disruptive to you, your family, and your pets.  If your children or pets are disturbed by the noise, speak with your project manager about when the noise will be at its worst and they will work with you on a plan.

Protect Your Pets

protect your petsDogs and cats are often upset by their home being visited by strangers, who loudly take things apart and make quite a mess. Birds are especially vulnerable to dust and fumes in the air, so take extra care. But animals will not know how to protect themselves; so before construction begins, create a separate area for them, or get them completely off the premises at a friend’s home or boarding place for optimal security. 

Prepare Storage Space

MainStreet will need to store tools, equipment, and materials somewhere on site at your home, so identify a safe and secure space where these and other items can be held overnight, or even a few days or weeks as necessary throughout the construction process. Make sure that the storage area retains access to its electrical panel, water shut-off value, switch from your home’s furnace, etc., throughout the process, even after the storage unit is filled to capacity. 

Prepare the Work Zone

Prepare work zoneWhether the area to be renovated is a small room, an entire addition, or your whole home, make sure to remove all of your personal belongings, and clear out all nearby spaces that could be affected by vibrations, especially breakable items. Redirect house traffic away from the construction areas, keep children and pets away, and if you can, try to relocate to temporary housing until the dust literally clears and you can move back to your new dream home.  

Read more Tips and Tricks for a Safe Home Renovation on Porch.

Partner with MainStreet Design Build

Proudly serving the communities of Beverly Hills, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Township, Royal Oak, Pleasant Ridge, Troy, the Grosse Pointes and other select areas of metro Detroit, MainStreet Design Build is the #1 choice for discerning homeowners who value a high level of comfort and trust in knowing that their home remodeling project will be done RIGHT – and safely. Ask us about our safety plan, and ask for a free home walkthrough. 

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